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Special interests

Doctor and Patient

Active Surveillance for low risk prostate cancer

A significant proportion of men with newly diagnosed prostate cancer have low risk disease which may be suitable for active surveillance.


This management option closely monitors the cancer and can still offer radical treatment for the small proportion of men who show signs of progression of their cancer.


Robotic surgery for prostate cancer

Dr Boustead is one of South Africa's most experienced robotic surgeons and the pioneer of robotic surgery in South Africa. He was instrumental in setting up 4 of the 6 robotic surgery centres in South Africa, and has trained the majority of the robotic surgeons in South Africa.


Outcomes of surgery such as risks of cancer recurrence, urinary incontinence and erectile function are linked to surgeon experience and volume




Salvage robotic surgery after brachytherapy

Brachytherapy for prostate cancer is frequently offered to patients with prostate cancer. In cases where this treatment fails and the cancer remains active, the option of salvage robotic surgery is an excellent choice for selected men.


This high risk surgery is best performed by a highly experienced robotic surgeon

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